The ACEPT Executive Committee is excited to offer the Annual Practicum Fair in a virtual format this year. The Virtual ACEPT Practicum Fair will be held on Thursday, November 30th (9 a.m. – 3 p.m) & Friday, December 1st, 2023 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

To register please click the link below to complete the registration form by no later than Oct. 31st, 2023. Please note that because the fair is virtual, only sites that are registered ACEPT members can participate in the Practicum fair. Please submit your annual membership registration form and pay your dues by no later than October 31, 2023, to ensure your ability to participate in the Practicum Fair.

LINK: 2023 ACEPT Practicum Fair Registration Link

Based on the positive feedback about the virtual format from last year, we will be offering a similar format this year. Here is what you can expect:

Registered sites will receive a link for Sign Up Genius allowing sites to choose one 30 minute time slot on either Thursday November 30th or Friday December 1st. Sites that have more than one program may request an additional slot, if available, by contacting

  • Each site will provide a specific link using their own preferred virtual platform (e.g. Google Meet, Zoom). The submitted links will be organized into a schedule that students will be able to access to join your session.
  • Sites will also submit any materials they wish to share with students. Sites may also include a link for an informational video if they choose. The site information will be organized into a document that students will be able to access to learn more about your site. This may include links to websites, brochures, videos, PowerPoints, or other relevant materials.
  • Sites may use their 30-minute slot however they wish. This could include formal presentation about their site or an informal time for questions and answers about the site. Students may come in and out of meetings during those 30 minutes as they may want to meet with other sites that are scheduled during the same time frame.
  • Pre-recorded Guidelines Presentations for Students and Sites will also be made available as a part of the virtual practicum fair.

Practicum Fair Important Dates:

  • Practicum Fair Registration is due by no later than Oct. 31st, 2023
  • Site materials are due to ACEPT no later than Nov. 10th, 2023
  • Site links are due to ACEPT no later than Nov. 10th, 2023

Final Schedule will be shared and posted on the ACEPT website by no later than Nov. 27th, 2023